Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Directors

What is spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is a process in which individuals are assisted in developing a relationship with God. It assists a person in paying attention and responding to this personally communicating God in order to become more open to the presence of God in all aspects of life and to enhance personal growth. It helps one to discern and respond to God’s call in one’s life and take the Gospel message seriously. Spiritual direction is not counseling, therapy or psychological help.

In spiritual direction we relate to a mature Christian to whom we choose to be accountable for our spiritual life and from whom we can expect prayerful guidance in our constant struggle to discern God’s active presence in our lives.

- Henri Nouwen

What does a spiritual director do?
A spiritual director listens, encourages, guides, challenges, accompanies and prays with the individual to discern the movement of the Spirit in her/his life.  The spiritual director helps to free a person to more deeply discover God and shares in his/her life journey.  It is important to note that the directee and the director have the right to terminate direction at any time.

With the help of a spiritual director, a person is better able to discern the unique gift he/she can bring to the service of others.  Spiritual direction nurtures, therefore, the whole of the Christian life.

- Sister Vilma Seelaus, OCD

Who can benefit from spiritual direction?

  • Anyone who is hungry for deeper meaning, who feels that there must be something more to life.
  • Anyone who desires to grow in intimacy with God.
  • Those who find themselves touched deeply by  their personal life and the events of the world.
  • Those who have many questions and few answers, such as who and what I am and who and what God is to me.
  • Those who are feeling fragmented, disjointed, out-of-touch and distant from God
  • Those who desire to become more sensitive to God’s action in all the areas of their lives.

What to look for in a spiritual director

  • A director should be well versed in the theology, history, rituals and spiritual exercises of the Christian community.
  • A director is spiritually mature, facing  his/her demons and better understanding the activity of God in life.
  • A director is able to create, establish and maintain a relationship with another person without getting in the way of that person’s experience and reflection.
  • A director is someone who is engaged with God in personal prayer and reflection.
  • A director is personally involved in on-going direction.

Contracting with a Spiritual Director

  • You and the director may talk on the phone or meet face to face to decide if you are both agreeable.
  • You are asked to respect the contracted time.  Appointments are ordinarily 50 minutes to an hour once a month.
  • Twenty-four hours’ notice is required for cancellations; otherwise, the person will be responsible for payment.
How Do I Begin?
Call the Consultation Center at 489-4431 to arrange a meeting with a spiritual director.  Day or evening appointments are available. Suggested donation – $40 per visit
God said: Do not
come near! Remove
your sandals from
your feet, for the
place where you
stand is holy ground.
- Exodus 3:5

Rev. Thomas Konopka, MDiv, LCSW-R
Sister Katherine Hanley, CSJ, PhD
And additional presenters